The challenge
Mass can become critical fast
Arrogance yields mistakes. We protect our clients from these mistakes. After all, the only way to design an appropriate (class-)reaction is to bear in mind that our opponents act in a concerted and organized manner.
Mass litigation is the sum of numerous individual suits. The resulting workload dimension is beyond the experience of many law firms. Traditional structures will quickly reach their limits. Mass litigation suits require a highly structured workflow organization. We know that this is the only way to ensure efficiency.
CLASSREACTION combines high legal standards with the operative claim of handling similar cases according to pre-defined standards: Our case management platform ensures consistent deadline management; and our project controlling protects clients against unpleasant surprises. As a result, our correspondence is as precise and error-free as it needs to be in mass litigation suits.
A central part of our job is to make sure that expensive mistakes are avoided. That is why we nurture an operative mindset, while acting with economic efficiency.
Here’s our value proposition in a nutshell: We are on top of mass litigation because we know what needs to be done.